March has come in like a lion! It rained most of the day yesterday, March 1 and started snowing late afternoon and hasn't really quit as of 1:00 pm March 2nd. I think we have 8-10 inches. Huge, white flakes are floating down right now. These pictures do not capture the scene. Beautiful! I think this is the most snow we have had since we have lived in Virginia! I didn't get a picture of Hershey but she has been out once this morning. She ran and ran around the yard. The snow almost reached her belly! I think she was a little confused as to where she was supposed to go the the bathroom. She hasn't been out since. David has been out and scooped the walk. I have enjoyed the view! Thankfully, we have not lost electricity but many have in the Richmond area. I made a big pot of Chicken, Vegetable and whole wheat Orzo soup yesterday afternoon. What's a snow day with out a big pot of soup. By the way, it is really good! Sorry, mom, but I love the snow. It is so fresh and clean and helps me remember what God does in our hearts by the blood of Jesus. Psalm 51 is one of my favorite passages. My prayer today is from verse 7, "Purge me with hyssop, and I shall be clean; wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow. " and verse 10, "Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me." And may it be so.

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