This view is looking east from the church. All you can see is ranch land. It is absolutely beautiful. The church is located about a mile and a half from town and is surrounded by ranch and farm land.

This view is looking south onto farm land.

We met at the church on Saturday afternoon with the associate/youth pastor, Gabe and his wife Sarah, and the presiding clerk, Jeff and his wife Deanna to tour the church. The church was established in the 1870's by Quakers from North Carolina and Indiana. The originial part of the church was built in 1917, with several improvements and additions through the years. We were very impressed with what we saw. The church has a wonderful atmosphere incorporating the old with contemporary touches. I didn't take pictures until the morning we were to fly home so we were a little hurried and I didn't get the entire building but I wanted you to have a little window into what may be our new world.

The double doors in the above picture lead to the church office, bathrooms, the pastor's office, nursery, and 2 classrooms. If you turn right inside the doors you will be led straight to the large fellowship area where the church dinners are served and the sanctuary.

This is the back of the church next to the parking lot. Most people enter the building through these doors and will enter the fellowship area with the youth pastor's office on the right next to the library/classroom.

The church had a carry-in dinner in our honor on Sunday and immediately after church this room and part of the sanctuary was filled with tables beautifully decorated for fall. It was a well organized process that only took a few minutes. There is a full kitchen on the left in this picture.

Several years ago, the church decided to best utilize their space, they needed to remove the pews and replace with chairs. This enables them to use this space on Sunday evenings for youth removing some of the chairs to set up a pingpong table.

This view is facing the back of the sanctuary where there are 2 classrooms used by adults for Sunday School.

This hallway leads from the fellowship area outside the santuary to the church office, bathrooms, pastor's office, nursery and classrooms. On the right side of this photo is stairs leading downstairs to 3 or 4 more classrooms, bathroom and storage areas. I didn't get pictures of those areas but they are nicely finished and welcoming.

This is Gabe Hancock, the associate/youth pastor.

This is Deanna Linville, the church secretary.

The pastor's office.

The ladies bathroom has been recently remodeled with a victorian theme.

The men's restroom has been remodeled with a car theme.

Children's classrooms
We are really excited to see what the Lord is going to do in Rose Hill and Hanover. We will know Sunday if Rose Hill will be extending a call to us to be their pastor. We really enjoyed our time with the people at RHFC and found them to be very warm, friendly and desiring to grow in the Lord. We also got to spend time with Gabe and Sarah who are a very sweet couple and eagerly serving the Lord and anxious to partner with the new senior pastor to lead the church. The community of Rose Hill is about 3500. There is not much of a business district but there is plenty of shopping with in about 6 - 8 miles in Derby and Andover. Wichita is about 15 miles to the northwest. We enjoyed spending time driving around town and the countryside getting to know the area. It seems like it will be a nice place to live.
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