Patrick and Jana invited us to come to Texas to take care of Hannah while they went away for Valentine's weekend. What a privilege and joy to say YES! Patrick and Jana left Friday morning and came home Monday afternoon. Here are a few of the things we did...
We went to an indoor children's play place. It was Sunday afternoon and too chilly to go the the playground. Hannah enjoyed the merry go round, a car on a little hilly track and loved the Little Tikes Cozy Coupes. PopPop and I couldn't resist going to Target and buying Hannah her own Cozy Coupe. She was so excited! She squealed with excitement while PopPop and Daddy began to put it together and didn't want to quit playing with it for dinner, bath, or bedtime. It was so fun to see her so excited.
We bought a children's music CD and Hannah really liked it! She especially liked the songs with motions. Here we are doing "Itsy Bitsy Spider".
We spent some time at a couple of playgrounds. We had so much fun with her on the swings and slides. She is always checking out the other kids and saying "Hi" to anyone who is close enough to hear her. She is so loving and happy. We are so blessed by her. We also were reminded how exhausting small children can be. I am so glad we were able to give Mommy and Daddy a break and some much needed couple time. I hope we have many more opportunities.