It's A Wonderful Life!

Needless to say, Hannah got a lot of attention from PopPop and Nana. We are totally in love. We stole hugs and kisses whenever we could. We had so much fun feeding her, playing with her, putting her to bed, getting her up from bed, and pretty much goo gooing all over the place. David told her the first day that she would say Pop Pop before we left and believe it or not, she did!!! Needless to say, someone was extremely proud! (Just between you and I, she didn't know what she said but I don't think that even mattered!) We are looking forward to celebrating Hannah's first birthday the end of July!
Sand and Sea
My Guys

David and I spent the first week of June celebrating 28 wonderful years as Mr. & Mrs. We started our anniversary trip at Nags Head, NC. We stayed in a friends beach house about 2 blocks from the beach. We packed up every morning with cooler, chairs, towels and umbrella to spend several hours basking in the luxery of doing nothing! Reading and tanning took all my time and David enjoyed flying a kite, walking, exploring and swimming in the chilly Atlantic! We always hope to see dolphins and we were not disappointed! We took our time doing everything!
Happy Anniversary!!!
After leaving Nags Head we traveled to North Myrtle Beach, SC to top off an already perfect trip with 4 days with the "kids". There are no words adaquately to describe how blessed David and I felt to be with Brett and Jess and Patrick, Jana and Hannah. This is really first time we have all been together as a family. The last time we were kind of all together was at Brett and Jess' wedding. We were so blessed to stay at a lovely beach house owned by Jess' grandparents.
Family Vacation...Priceless

Family Vacation...Priceless

Needless to say, Hannah got a lot of attention from PopPop and Nana. We are totally in love. We stole hugs and kisses whenever we could. We had so much fun feeding her, playing with her, putting her to bed, getting her up from bed, and pretty much goo gooing all over the place. David told her the first day that she would say Pop Pop before we left and believe it or not, she did!!! Needless to say, someone was extremely proud! (Just between you and I, she didn't know what she said but I don't think that even mattered!) We are looking forward to celebrating Hannah's first birthday the end of July!
Sand and Sea
My Guys