I recently went with several women from my church to our annual women's retreat in Pennsylvania. I had a wonderful time. I really felt the Lord's word for me for the weekend was LAUGH. Without knowing this, my special friend and roommate, gave me a gift of a charm with the word LAUGH on it. If that wasn't a confirmation than I don't know what is! The weekend was filled with lots of LOL moments! I also had a another Word(s) from the weekend that has really resonated with me. Nothing fancy but very profound. Whenever anyone asks "How are you?" I usually say fine or ok without much thought and sometimes without much truth. What I heard this weekend was "better than I deserve". A friend was quoting Dave Ramsey when she mentioned this but I was hearing the voice of God whisper in my heart. This little phrase has not left my mind and has really helped keep me focused on the right things namely God's great love for me and His great grace! My faith has been stronger since retreat. A Great God and special friends are a perfect recipe for peace.
I keep this poem by Beth Moore above my desk at work to help remind me of who I am called to be. Since retreat, I have read this with new eyes and have found great freedom. Enjoy!
Believing God
The Commission to Faith
Lord, today I accept my calling
Not to perfection or performance.
My calling is to faith.
I have been chosen for this generation.
I have a place in the heritage of faith.
I’m going to stop wishing and whining
And start believing and receiving.
What your Word says is mine.
I won’t let others steal my hope.
I won’t argue with a Pharisee.
I will believe and therefore speak,
For you, my God, are huge.
Nothing is too hard for You.
Our world needs your wonders.
Rise up, oh Lord!
Please renew Your works in our day.
I confess the unbelief of my generation
And ask you to begin Your revival of faith
in my own heart.
For You are who You say You are
You can do what You say You can do.
I am who You say I am.
I can do all things through Christ.
Your Word is alive and active in me.
Satan, hear me clearly:
My Father is Maker of heaven and earth.
You are under my feet,
Because today and the rest of my days,
I’m believing God!
The Commission to Faith
Lord, today I accept my calling
Not to perfection or performance.
My calling is to faith.
I have been chosen for this generation.
I have a place in the heritage of faith.
I’m going to stop wishing and whining
And start believing and receiving.
What your Word says is mine.
I won’t let others steal my hope.
I won’t argue with a Pharisee.
I will believe and therefore speak,
For you, my God, are huge.
Nothing is too hard for You.
Our world needs your wonders.
Rise up, oh Lord!
Please renew Your works in our day.
I confess the unbelief of my generation
And ask you to begin Your revival of faith
in my own heart.
For You are who You say You are
You can do what You say You can do.
I am who You say I am.
I can do all things through Christ.
Your Word is alive and active in me.
Satan, hear me clearly:
My Father is Maker of heaven and earth.
You are under my feet,
Because today and the rest of my days,
I’m believing God!
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