I wanted to show you what David and I are doing this week...
Our Vacation Bible School is "Outrigger Island". The sanctuary looks awesome, so much better than these photos reflect but you can get a good idea. We were really blessed to have several other churches loan or donate their leftovers from their VBS and we had some great people spend several hours organizing and decorating. The next two pictures are of the "HUA HUT"! (We made up the name. Hua is Hawaiian for Word.) David and I taught three classes each evening to 3rd - 6th graders. We totally decorated our room on Saturday. We felt really good with the results.
We used the beach towels for games and sitting areas. Here we were using them to play "Musical Outrigger Island" (yeah, like musical chairs. We made it up. Clever) The towels represented islands and the kids had to paddle around the islands while the music played...I'm sure you get the picture.
We used a variety of methods to tell the stories, teach Bible truths and memory verses. David even did a "Pat and Brett" style story to retell the story of the Moses, the plagues and the Red Sea.
Looks like a lot of fun! Your room looked great! It reminds me of when Jennifer and I decorated our classroom at the day care one summer..but much better!
Great pictures! I love VBS, and it looks like you and David truly had a great time together! You are a wonderful team!!! Also, the props looked very realistic - really gets me in the mood for the hula dance with lots of great kids! Thanks for filling us in on the fun festivities! Love you!!!
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